Text Messaging and Portal Updates | White-label Digital Health Solutions

Text Messaging and Portal Updates

Available: June 21, 2021

Update to the new action plan widget using photographs


This update delivers enhancements to the action plan widget and adds the ability to implement text messaging, as required.

Text Messaging

The ability to enable text messaging to program participants has been added. Client administrators should work with their Client Services Consultant to complete any final actions necessary for implementation. This includes but is not limited to:

  1. Text Messaging Terms and Conditions
  2. Default messaging templates for text opt-in, help, and messages

Action Plan Widget

The action plan widget has been updated with a new look-and-feel that improves ease of use and optimizes data consumption. These changes include replacing clip art with photo images and utilizing a rotator for available action plans in place of a listing.

Rewards Widget

A bug was discovered after the June 7th release that prevented participants from viewing their itemized incentives earned if they had less than three incentives. This bug has been corrected.