Next Generation Make a Move Challenge | White-label Digital Health Solutions

Next Generation Make a Move Challenge

Available: March 1, 2023


We’ve unleashed the next generation of Make a Move, our most popular wellness challenge, and it’s better than ever! Enhanced messaging, stunning visuals, and new motivational milestones make this release sure to engage users even further in their fitness journey.

Get to Know Make a Move

Make a Move encourages participants to boost their daily physical activity as they travel along your chosen route. Change it up with a trip between local landmarks, down a popular scenic path, or between office locations. The challenge can be delivered as a standalone or combined with other components as an integral component of a wellness program.

Enhanced Messaging

Make a Move motivates participants to reach their goals with celebratory messages, timely updates on team and peer group requests, and alerts for challenge deadlines. Messages are tailored according to communication preferences, whether by SMS text or email, at exactly the right moment for maximum impact.

Refreshed Milestones

Updated content provides health information and motivational tips to develop healthier habits, covering:

  • Improved physical health
  • Increased social support
  • Enhanced flexibility and balance
  • Boosted energy and productivity
  • Fun and variety

Continued Advantages of Configuration

With Make a Move, clients can continue to enjoy the same configuration options, including challenge type, route, start date, duration, and incentives available.

  • Personal challenges are self-paced, allowing participants to enroll at any time.
  • Individual challenges have a fixed start date and duration, with participants working independently to reach milestones.
  • Team challenges also have a fixed start date and duration, enabling participants to form teams and work together to reach milestones.

The Make a Move update will encourage and motivate participants to improve their physical activity levels and adopt healthier habits. Join us in the challenge and take a step towards better health today!

Implementation Process

Make a Move v2.0 is available for deployment to your programs beginning March 1st, 2023. Please refer to the updated Knowledge documentation in the Client Services Portal for a detailed description of the changes included in this release.


The following documents are available in the Client Services Portal:

  • Make a Move Content Document
  • Implementation Guide
  • Promotional Materials — Flyers, Posters, Postcard, Email