New Program Reports and Administration Tools | White-label Digital Health Solutions

New Program Reports and Administration Tools

Available: March 27, 2019


This update includes a new program summary report and tools for the bulk administration of client (coach and screener) user accounts.

Program Summary Report

This new report provides a summary of program participation and results, complementing the drill down detail provided by the existing management reports. Available as a graphical PDF report as well as an Excel summary of data, the report includes a section for each module deployed to the program:

  • Overall program enrollment by age and gender
  • Health risk assessment participation and distribution by risk group
  • Action plan enrollment and completion
  • Personal, corporate, and team challenge enrollment and completion
  • Wellness even participation
  • Wellness target qualification
  • Qualifying activity status for basic, time-period, and tier activities
  • Incentive points awarded

Bulk Administration of Client Users

To reduce the support burden for clients with a large number of coach or screener users, these tools allow client user account administration from eligibility data. The authentication and registration process is as follows:

  • Client loads a file containing information for eligible users.
  • The system sends an email invitation with a time-limited registration token to all eligible users.
  • The user clicks on the link and completes the registration process through the entry of a defined user identifier and selection of a password.
  • Repeat email invitations are sent to users who have not yet registered, at time intervals and frequency defined by the client.
  • User accounts will be disabled when client users are removed from eligibility.