ConXus Rewards Updates | White-label Digital Health Solutions

ConXus Rewards v2.0: Incentive Management System

Available: December 17, 2013

ConXus Rewards v2.0 includes enhancements to support:

  1. Results-based programs, where incentives are awarded according to the biometric targets achieved
  2. Qualifying activity programs, where participants must complete specific wellness activities to meet program requirements

Program definition: Wellness targets and qualifying activities may be defined for each employer program and participant group, providing the flexibility to match each plan design.

Participant program center: Progress and compliance information in the program center is updated as data is loaded and activities are completed, providing employees with immediate access to status information.

Coach and administrator tools: Coaches and administrators can review participant status, assign and update activities, manage exemptions and reasonable alternatives, and generate compliance reports.

Here’s a sample program design that can be supported by the product:
Employees must complete a health assessment, attend a wellness screening, and meet the wellness targets to qualify for paying lower medical insurance premiums. If wellness targets are not met, the employee may complete an approved lifestyle coaching program to avoid higher premiums.

Wellness Targets:

  • BMI ‹ 30
  • Blood pressure ‹ 140/90 mmHg
  • Fasting glucose ‹ 110 mg/dL

Timeline and Process

ConXus Rewards v2.0 is available for deployment beginning January 6, 2014. Clients may contact PDHI Client Services for more information.

Note: Wellness targets require the use of ConXus Profile (health risk assessment) v3.2.


1. Wellness Targets

Many employers are adopting program designs that tie biometric results to a percentage of the available incentive. According to the Aon Hewitt 2013 Health Care Survey, the most frequent measures used for results-based incentives are BMI, blood pressure, and fasting blood glucose. Some programs award incentives for meeting each measure; others award an incentive for meeting all required measures. Wellness targets support this requirement.


A single wellness target panel may be defined for each program. Targets are based on current program results only; there is no comparison with prior results.
Incentive points may be assigned to each target. Alternatively, wellness targets may be linked to a qualifying activity. When linked to a qualifying activity, the product supports more complex designs such as achieving three out of five on-target results.

Results available as targets include:

  • Wellness score
  • Physical health score
  • BMI
  • Waist circumference
  • Blood pressure
  • Total cholesterol
  • LDL cholesterol
  • HDL cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • Fasting/nonfasting blood glucose
  • A1C
  • Cotinine

Participant Program Center

Wellness targets are displayed to participants on the Program Targets tab, which is accessible from the To-Do List. For each measure with a target assigned, the target, actual result, and status are displayed. Compliance with a target is determined when the health assessment is locked.

Coach and Administrator Tools

Wellness target status for each participant result is available to coaches and administrators as part of the member data tree. A coach or administrator (with the assigned privilege) may grant an exemption (with reason) for any result not on target. When an exemption is granted, the target is considered as having been met for the purpose of an incentive award. However, the exempt status is recorded for compliance reporting. Management reports provide details of each target, result, and status.

2. Qualifying Activities

More employers are requiring employees to complete specific wellness activities to gain access to a premium discount or other health benefits. Typical activities include completion of a health assessment, attendance at a wellness screening, meeting of wellness targets, or participation in lifestyle coaching. Qualifying activities support this requirement.


One or more qualifying activities may be defined for a program. Activities that apply to all participants, e.g., health assessment completion, are assigned and displayed to the participant when the program starts. Other activities, such as participation in lifestyle coaching, can be assigned when the system determines that they are required, e.g., when a participant fails to meet a wellness target.
Incentive points may be assigned to each activity. Alternatively, activities may be linked to an overall program qualification status that can be reported to the benefits administrator.

Standard Activities

The following standard activities are supported. Additional activities may be defined to meet program requirements.

  • Completion of the assessment questionnaire—triggered by HRA submitted
  • Completion of the wellness screening—triggered by completed biometrics met
  • Meeting of the wellness targets—determined at HRA lock
  • Completion of an action plan
  • Completion of coaching—manually recorded by the coach or administratore

Participant Program Center

Qualifying activities are displayed to participants on the Program Targets tab and accessible from the To-Do List. For each activity, the activity and status are displayed. The program qualification status is also displayed.

Coach/Administrator Tools

Qualifying activity status for each participant is available to coaches and administrators as part of the member data tree. A coach or administrator (with the assigned privilege) may grant an exemption (with reason) for any activity. When an exemption is granted, the activity is considered as having been met for the purpose of an incentive award. However, the exempt status is recorded for compliance reporting.

Coaches or administrators may also manually assign activities to accommodate reasonable alternatives, as well as manually record completion of activities not controlled by system events. Management reports provide details of overall program qualification, together with each activity and status.