ConXus Platform Enhancements — June 2021 | White-label Digital Health Solutions

ConXus Platform Enhancements — June 2021

Available: June 7, 2021


This update delivers new functions that allow client administrators to better communicate with participants and includes enhancements to the participant user interface for better home page messaging.

Bulk Messaging

The ability to send bulk messages to program participants has been added. Client administrators with access to the new “Send bulk messages to all users in a program” privilege will have the option from the Administration tab to create a message template approved for bulk message usage and then either:

  1. Select a program and send the message to all enrolled participants, or
  2. Upload a list of enrolled participants and send the message to these users only.

Messages may be configured to send immediately or at a scheduled date and time. Messages are delivered to the participant’s secure message center and if the message template is set as non-PHI containing, to the participant’s email address on record.

Qualifying Activities

Health coaches may now delete a deployed qualifying activity for a selected participant, allowing the removal of a qualifying activity that was incorrectly deployed.

In addition, client administrators may now override the status messaging and text in the qualifying activities widget as displayed to participants. The default text is and may be overridden with client-defined text. At any time, clients can delete their entered text to restore the default.

Rewards Widget

To improve the look and feel of the reward points widget, the “more” option has been moved above the list of earned incentives. Previously the more button was listed below the first three earned incentives which increased the size of the widget.

Form Upload and Download Widget

To improve the participant experience, when uploading forms, the label “Completed Forms” has been updated to now read “Uploaded”. This text change is designed to reduce participant confusion where further processing is required of uploaded forms.

Text Messaging Update

PDHI has finally received approval from the cell phone carriers to offer text messaging to our clients and will be releasing this update soon. Please contact your Client Services Consultant for any questions about the work you need to complete to be able to take advantage of this functionality.

Updated Documentation

As part of this release, a new version of the Client Administrator Guide has been created for step-by-step instructions for the new client admin features discussed in this notice. The new version of the guide will be available for download from the Client Services Support Portal on Monday, June 7th.