ConXus Platform Enhancements — April 2023 | White-label Digital Health Solutions

ConXus Platform Enhancements — April 2023

Available: April 19, 2023


These enhancements include updates to software functionality and features as well as fixes to reported issues. The update will be completed during our standard maintenance period beginning at 3:00 am CST and to be completed by 6:00 am CST on the morning of April 19, 2023. We do not expect any downtime for the completion of this update, but performance may be impacted during the update.

Software Features

The following updates have been made to software functionality and features.

Biometrics – CoreMedica At-Home Test Kits

To simplify the At-Home Test Kit process, end-users must now accept the consent and authorization online before ordering their test kit. The consent and authorization is stored as a PDF available to program managers as an attachment to the program.

Biometric Screening widget showing consent and authorization

Wellness Events – Support for Conditional Visibility

To better support Wellness Events, the events module has been updated to allow clients to control the visibility of an event based on data available. For example, a tobacco cessation program can be promoted only to those participants that respond that they use tobacco in the health assessment.

Reported Issues

The following issues have been corrected.

Challenges – Team Challenge Removing a User

As a client administrator, when removing a user from a team challenge, there is no longer the need to complete the second step of deleting the challenge from the user’s profile. By removing the user from the team challenge, the challenge is now automatically removed from the user’s profile.