ConXus Platform Enhancements – April 2021
Available: April 1, 2021
This update adds support in preparation for the upcoming member text messaging functionality. It also includes expanded customization options to the member assessment and infocard widgets, and additional administrator export capabilities.
Text Messaging
In a future update (planned for May), we will be providing members with the option to receive text messages for non-PHI containing messages, such as alerts and reminders, in addition to or instead of emails. This update contains support for setup work that you will need to complete before text messaging can be enabled. Preparation includes:
- Text messaging terms of services (for compliance with CTIA regulations)
- Short code responses (HELP)
- Definition of text message templates
Please reach out to your client services consultant for further details and to request a copy of the Text Messaging Implementation Guide.
Infocard Widget
The Infocard widget has been updated to allow you to add HTML formatting in the summary and details text. This formatting includes:
- Bulleted lists
- Paragraphs
- Text styling (bold, underline, italics)

Assessment Widget
To better support your program requirements, the assessment widget has been updated so that the system status text can be overridden to display your preferred text, configured at the program level. Custom text can be enabled and configured in the “Configuration” tab for the widget.
Action Plan and Challenge Dashboards
New options have been added to allow you to create custom dashboards for each action plan and challenge. Like the functionality already available for the member homepage dashboard, you can now reorder or hide widgets to optimize the layout.
Contact Notes Export
A new export file option has been added to the Administrator Portal to export Contact Notes to an excel file.