ConXus Challenges – Peer Groups | White-label Digital Health Solutions

ConXus Challenges – Peer Groups

Available: August 9, 2017


Peer groups allow participants enrolled in personal or individual challenges to share progress with friends, gaining support and motivation through healthy competition.

Description of the Enhancements

When peer groups are enabled for a challenge, the Peer Group widget will appear on the challenge dashboard.

Peer-to-Peer Challenges

Participants may create a new group of friends or request to join an existing group at any time during the challenge.

  • Each group is limited to 20 members.
  • Once accepted into a group, group members share results on the leaderboard.
  • Members may leave a group at any time.

Joining a peer group does not change the rules for challenge completion, participants continue to track progress and earn rewards based on individual results. Participation in a peer group is optional.