Essential Testing for a Safer Workplace

COVID-19 Testing

Manage Events
Manage Events

Set up and schedule test events across locations.

Set up and schedule test events across locations.

Set up and schedule test events across locations.

Schedule A Test

Sign up for testing appointments.

Sign up for testing appointments.

Sign up for testing appointments.

Collect Results
Collect Results

Capture point-of-care and laboratory test results.

Capture point-of-care and laboratory test results.

Capture point-of-care and laboratory test results.

Take Action
Take Action

Trigger actionable alerts and status reports.

Trigger actionable alerts and status reports.

Trigger actionable alerts and status reports.

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ConXus COVID enables your COVID-19 testing program for return-to-work and workforce safety monitoring. Highly flexible, ConXus COVID can be configured to meet the testing needs of each workplace based on the type of work and local environment.

Supporting laboratory testing and point-of-care testing with real time data capture, ConXus COVID manages registration, assessment, scheduling, and reporting of results.

Participant Experience

Sign-up at a secure portal and complete a simple questionnaire that identifies symptoms and risk factors. After selecting a test location, date, and time, print or email a confirmation voucher with appointment details and testing instructions.

When results are available, receive email or SMS text notification and log back on to the portal to view, download, and print a test report.

Event Management

Optimize utilization of testing resources by setting dates, start and end times, slot length, and slot capacity for each test location. Control when slots are released for participant sign-up and restrict last-minute cancellations.

Self-service reports are available for capacity management and planning. At the testing event, site personnel are presented with a list of scheduled appointments for rapid identification and check-in.

Data Capture

For point of care testing, verify participant eligibility and enter results as soon as the specimen is processed.

For laboratory testing, automated data exchange transmits electronic orders to the laboratory and receives and loads results when available.

Results transfer in real time to the participant portal to populate the test report and trigger actionable alerts to the employer for positive cases.


Test results from all sources are consolidated into a central database where they are available to program managers for self-service and scheduled reporting.

Batch export tools deliver results for your client and to meet state and local health department reporting requirements.

eTrueNorth Deploys PDHI Technology for U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Covid-19 Surge Testing
Illustration of a COVID Drive-Thru Process

eTrueNorth Deploys PDHI Technology for HHS Covid-19 Surge Testing

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is announcing free COVID-19 testing...

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is announcing free COVID-19 testing...

PDHI Powers Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing
Screener hanging a patient a test kit

PDHI Powers Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing

PDHI’s ConXus Platform is providing the technology that powers eTrueNorth’s pharmacy drive-thru COVID-19 testing. As part of a public-private partnership, eTrueNorth...

PDHI’s ConXus Platform is providing the technology that powers eTrueNorth’s pharmacy drive-thru COVID-19 testing. As part of a public-private partnership, eTrueNorth...

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